Registered Service Dogs
Renters are not allowed to bring pets.REGISTERED SERVICE DOGS ONLY are permitted in/on Nordic Inn properties in accordance with federal guidelines established by the American Disabilities Act (service animals). Emotional Support animals are not allowed.
To be eligible for a service dog, any person(s) who wishes to stay at The Nordic Inn must provide the following information at time of booking and documentation upon arrival:
Service Animal- The handler of a service animal must provide a copy of the animals Registered Certificate, or copy of the Registered Animal ID card and a copy of the handler’s identification for verification.
Animals are required to be in the presence of their handlers at all times while here at the Nordic Inn.
Additionally, in accordance with ADA/FHA criteria, The Nordic Inn reserves the right to have the animal removed in the case where the animal is or becomes disruptive or aggressive in nature or deemed a potential threat to other individuals.
The Rental Office personnel must verify animal eligibility in accordance with this policy prior to reserving a unit and completing guest registration. Rental Office reserves the right to assign guest to unit whose owner has an existing dog to avoid health issues for owners and guests with allergies.